01 Jan 1970

Prince Oshimore and his wife Adoroke, was said to have migrated from ile Ife to Ijebu Ode back in the 15th century where he became the king and ruled over Ijebu Ode. Emissary from Ile Ife were sent from Ile Ife from time to time to check the well being of King Oshimore. This was because chaos and war was the usual order of the day during their reign and because he (Oshimore) hailed from the rulling king of Ife, he might need warriors to assist him in his empire incase people in his empire (Ijebu Ode) were not cooperating. But king Oshimore will always send the emissary back with the message in yoruba "Ija osi elelemele" meaning.. NO FIGHT AND EVERYBODY IS BUSY USING THEIR CUTLASS FOR FARMING NOT TO FIGHT. This is why he was tagged in his lineage appraisal as OSHIMORE ONIJA OSIELELEMELE.

Ijebu Ode was so peaceful during his reign and King Oshimore gave birth to many children among which were two princes and princess. Onayelu was the name of the first son of King Osimore and Osimade(Ofinranoye) the second son. The most prominent daughters among king Osimore Princess was "Beje". The first son (Onayelu) was a great hunter and warrior while Oshimade the second son, was a successful trade man. By right and tradition, Onayelu was the first in line to the throne and the crown prince of (Olijasi of Ijebu lgbo) but also became the king's favorite son because of the part he always took as a warrior to defend his father's dynasty. Secondly being a hunter he always went with his hunting lieutenants and colleagues to bring back home to his father meats and farm product to feed the family.

The man called Ogunelegi was a great hunter from Ile Ife came for hunting expenditure at Ijasi where he met the crowned prince of Olijasi, prince Onayelu and they became best of friends. Prince Onayelu took Ogunelegi his friend and host of other followers namely ;

Abijaparako, Tanrin Larinkoye, Laporu, Liyan the black Smith and Adeferingana on routine hunting journey to Ijasi forest called Ijebu Igbo.

It was during this hunting adventures, he and his friends Killed an elephant on their way to Ijebu igbo and after butchered the animal met a strange beads inside the elephant.The place at which the strange elephant was killed was later named "IPERIN" which was between Ijebu Ode and Oru Ijebu. He took the beads back home to his father Oshimore and it was the beads that was used to make the first traditional crown for his father . this made his father fell so much in love with him and blessed him to take his throne after his demise. The great hunter prince Onayelu always came to Ijebu Igbo for hunting in company of friends and his lieutenant. His best friend named Ogunelegi was later said to have decided to stay back and established himself at Ijebu Igbo because the prince would always like to go back to his father in Ijebu Ode after hunting. The place where he settled is called Ibido Ode, now IDODE in Ijebu Igbo. Laporu later also decided to set up his own camp at Ilaporu, some few distance away from Ogunelegi's camp. The place is till date called ILAPORU. King Oshimore was getting old and becoming weak with frequent sickness so he gave the royal crown to his first son to keep it since he had earlier blessed and anoint him as the heir apparant to his throne. So after prince Onayelu had collected and kept the crown, he went for his usual hunting trip to Ijebu Igbo. This hunting trip took him much longer than before so the king (Oshimore) died while his heir(Prince Onayelu) was no where to be found.

The people and the chiefs waited so long for the return of prince Onayelu but after so much long waiting the chiefs started doubting if prince Onayelu was still alive hence, his brother prince Osimade lobbied and bribed his way to succeed his father. So before prince Onayelu could return, his brother prince Oshimade was crowned as the new king. Prince Onayelu favorite place of hunting is where there are many Otako trees, because that is the place where he normally see and kill big and valuable animals. That is why the place is named OKE OTAKO today now OKETAKO. One day, he shot and elephant at Oketako but the elephant went off the area only to later died in a place where lots of melon (Atowo melon) naturally germinated. That is the place today now called ITOWO. They butchered the elephant and found the melon seed inside the elephant, they were surprised and decided to also cook the seed to have a taste since it was palatable for animal consumption so human too could find it tasteful. Yes it was so palatable after they cooked it with the elephant meat. So king Onayelu took lots of this Atowo melon and the elephant meat and sent it home for his father to have a taste. When those he sent got home the found out that the father was dead and so they returned to the hunting forest to give prince Onayelu the bad news. Necessary for him to go a give a befitting burial to his late father and also to immediately ascend the throne as the new Olijasi, Prince Onayelu and his friends returned home but met his brother; prince Oshimade on the throne. He was annoyed and asked the king maker why they crowned a king without seeing the royal crown? . The royal rumble took some period but the chiefs was able to beg the original heir to the throne, prince Onayelu to please take the royal crown since he had it already from his father and go back to where he went for hunting, settle permanently there and become their king. Prince accepted the offer but called his junior brother OFIRANOYE.. meaning he unduly challenged him and stole his right to the throne. Hence he placed a curse on the king (Oshimade) that he will never raise a male child who will succeed his throne. King Oshimade (Ofinranoye) was fully subjected to his brother's curse as did not have male child to succeed him. Despite his several rituals and attornment to averts his brother's curse but instead gave birth to female children. Her first daughter was called Dorioye... I get to the kings throne, "Moshibi" meaning wrong birth. She also had "Omosha" meaning just a child, Shenlu, and each of her child married outside Ijebu Ode and eventually named their town of settlement after their name e.g Ododoroye, Odoshenlu, Odomoshibi, Okemosha. Prince Onayelu set back on his way to Ijebu Igbo but his sister Beje who was not happy with what happened in the palace when prince Onayelu was away decided to leave with him. Also some of the powerful deities was also taken along as the deities would be used for a king rituals and attornment. One one the deities that followed prince Onayelu to Ijebu Igbo was the chief Agemo priest MAKI AGEMO LADUGBO. The prince arrived at Idode Ijebu igbo and met OGUNELEGI his friend who led the arrangement to crown the prince as the first OLOJA IGBO of Ijebu Igbo.

The king had three sons namely:



and the the third OJUROMI.

The king sister Beje was married to Gbayin a man from Igbo oye near Egba land. They later settled dawn at OKE AGBIGBO ( Now Oke Agbo). Oke Agbigbo is where the king normally go to hunt the giant bird called the hornbill.

At that time, there lives a business woman called SOPEN. She usually came to buy bush meat from the hunter and sells clothes called UKALE. Clothing business was not a small business then, so the king cajoled her to settle permanently in Ijebu igbo. She settled and later got married to the son of Adeferingano omo olowu; one of the lieutenants of the Ogunelegi. The king named where they settled down as OKE SOPEN. Where they built there house was called AGBOLE OLOWU.


Before Onayelu was crowned as the king, he was living with his friend Ogunelegi at IDODE and they normally go on hunting expeditions together with their slaves and will come back to display their market (OJA) in their various stall. There is a small market where different people meet to display and sell their different goods (Oja) at Idode there. One day while they were hunting, they both simultaneously shot and killed an elephant and they started arguing over who takes the most expensive and precious parts of the elephant. This led to a serious rift and prince Onayelu decided to move his abode to IGBO AIRE (Now known as Igbaire). But still had his market stall as Idode so when people wanted to buy his market and ask Ogun elegi... OLOJA YI DA" (Meaning where is the owner of this goods), Ogunelegi would answer them that "OLOJA WA NINU IGBO" which mean the owner of the market is in the thick forest. So people started calling Onayelu "OLOJA INU IGBO" So this is why his first royal name after he was crowned was the OLOJA IGBO OF IJEBU IGBO.

After Onayelu was crowned as Oloja igbo, Ogunlegi the king maker became the second in command and was also in charge of land matters. Sopen Olukale was becoming more successful in his clothing business. But people would have to travel to Ijebu Ode to look for someone who had niddle to sow their clothes. This became cumbersome as time went on so Onayelu ordered that the man that had the needle should come and settle in Ijebu Igbo. So this was how the man OLOKINE came and settled down at where the sun normally sets.. "Ibi ti Ojo ti nwo" now OJOWO Ijebu igbo.

So people now had the opportunity to sow their clothes at OJOWO and that is why the lineage appraisal is OJOWO OMO OLOKINE.

TANRIN LARINKOYE also a great warrior and hunter was married to Moju. They settled at ATIKORI. Keegbo of Atikori story of his establishment at Atikori will come later.

The ABIJAPARAKO also settled Japara Ijebu Igbo ( His story of establishment will also be released later). These are the five Igbo (most popular communities) that makes up the town Ijebu Igbo ie






These are the five communities and there headship submitted to King Oloja Igbo as their paramount ruler. Ijebu Igbo was fast expanding as people are coming in from Oyo through Akanran to Atikori and From ODOMOLU, AGUNBOYE, ASIGIDI to OKE AGBO and there market and trade center is OKE SOPEN.

The reign of King Onayelu, the Oloja Igbo of Ijebu igbo was so peaceful until the outbreaks of a plague that started killing human beings and farm product were badly damaged. The chiefs and the herbalist did all they could fo buy the diseases was fast spreading. So people now started leaving Ijebu igbo for another places to escape the wrath of this strange plaque.The King was so much worried, so he went to Ile Ife to consult oracle. The oracle said that the only solution to their problem is they would have to bring a live elephant to the town alive before the plaque could be subdued. The king, returned to Ijebu Igbo and gathered all the

staunch hunters and powerful warriors to deliberate how possible it is to bring live elephant to the town. There seems no solution until Ogunelegi the great hunter volunteered to go to the thick forest and promised to bring back live elephant back to Ijebu igbo. OGUN ELEGI and his son OLUSI set for the journey. They prepare so many charms to fortified themselves and they went to the thick forest in search of elephant. Ogunelegi walked back to the town with an elephant but OLUSI his son did not come back with him. So when they asked him where is OLUSI he answered.. "ERIN MU OLUSI LO" meaning the elephant has killed Olusi his son. The death of Olusi pained the king so much that he decided to immortalize the son'name with his royal name. So he decided to change his royal name from OLOJA IGBO to ERINMOLUSI (now ORIMOLUSI OF

IJEBU). Follow me for more gist

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